Data Security

Granite Website Security

Security is our passion

Healthcare information is some of the most highly sensitive data there is. As professionals and patients ourselves we understand how important it is to know that systems we use are as secure as they can be. Granite is underpinned by best-in-class security and data privacy compliance.

Your sensitive data

Granite was built to provide professionals and patients with reassurance that their data is being handled and stored securely. All communication and file data is securely stored on our encrypted database. No sensitive information is stored permanently on the user’s devices.

Granite is compliant with regional requirements. See our compliance section for more information.

Mobile Device Security

Granite is accessed via your personal password (biometrics coming soon). No sensitive data is stored permanently on a Granite user’s device. All patient information is securely stored on the server. This ensures that if a user loses their device, that patient information is not compromised.

Communication Security

When data is accessed through Granite it is sent over a secure channel (2048 bits HTTPS using sha256RSA) and only stores the information in the phone’s memory while the app is active, after which it is automatically removed.

Secure Third Party Integration

Granite integrates with Electronic Medical Records. This improves patient safety and allows auditing. Integration via RESTful APIs with multi factors of authentications like API Keys, (Mutual SSL), IP restrictions and more. Ensure clinical images or important notes are filed to patient records appropriately. We support HL7 or FIHR integration.